CarPlay Testing Apps with an iPhone and the CarPlay Simulator Understand how to use Apple's new stand alone CarPlay Simulator app to test CarPlay-enabled apps with your iPhone and your Mac.
SwiftUI Prototyping SwiftUI interfaces with OpenAI's ChatGPT Understand how to use OpenAI's ChatGPT conversational machine learning model to create working code for SwitfUI apps within a few minutes.
HomeKit Developing Apps with the HomeKit Accessory Simulator Understand how to use Apple's HomeKit Accessory Simulator (HAS) to simulate smart home accessories when developing HomeKit-enabled apps.
MapKit Using MapKit JS to Embed Apple Maps in Websites Learn how to use MapKit JS to embed Apple Maps in websites by generating an identifier, private key and JSON Web Token.
HLS Converting Video Files for HLS Streaming This reference shows how to convert video files for HLS streaming with ffmpeg and how to create video files from .m3u8 manifest and .ts files.
WWDC June 2022: Whatâs new in the Swift Community? This article covers the most inspiring new releases from WWDC 2022 and showcases some of our personal highlights from the developer conference.
Swift Call for Application at the Apple Developer Academy Become a World Class Developer at the Apple Developer Academy in Naples, Italy. Call for Application 2022/23.
AWS Getting Started with Swift AWS Lambda Runtime This tutorial shows how to get started with Swift AWS Lambda Runtime to create and deploy serverless functions on AWS with Swift.
DocC Using the Swift Package Manager command plugin for Swift-DocC This reference shows how to use the Swift Package Manager command plugin for Swift-DocC to export documentation for static web hosting.
SwiftUI Using the LocationButton in SwiftUI for One Time Location Access With this reference, you will be able to use the LocationButton in a SwiftUI app to conveniently access the user's location data.
DocC Publishing DocC Documentation as a Static Website on GitHub Pages This tutorial shows how to generate DocC documentation archives, how to process them for static hosting and deploy the on GitHub Pages.
Xcode Cloud Using Custom Build Scripts and Environment Variables in Xcode Cloud This article introduces Custom Build Scripts and Environment Variables for automated workflows in Xcode Cloud.
Xcode Cloud Using the Mapbox SDK for iOS with Xcode Cloud This reference covers how to write custom build scripts for Xcode Cloud to use the Mapbox SDK as a dependency with Swift Package Manager.
Xcode Cloud Setting up Xcode Cloud for Automated Builds, Tests and Distribution This tutorial shows how to enable Xcode Cloud workflows to leverage the new cloud based toolchain to build, test and distribute apps.
Mapbox Showing the user's location in a Mapbox MapView With this article you will learn how to obtain the user's location and show it on a map using the Mapbox SDK for iOS.
Combine Combine: switchToLatest With this short reference code snippet, you will be able to use the convenient switchToLatest() operator when configuring subscribers in Combine.
Mapbox Adding Annotations to a Mapbox MapView With this article you will learn how to add Point Annotations and View Annotations to a map using the Mapbox SDK for iOS.
SwiftUI Integrating Mapbox with SwiftUI You will learn how to use the powerful Mapbox SDK v10.2 and newer in an SwiftUI iOS app with UIViewControllerRepresentable.
Combine Combine: Networking and the dataTaskPublisher With this code snippet you will be able use the new dataTaskPublisher in URLSession to handle asynchronous download of data.
MapKit Using MapKit with SwiftUI Learn how to use Maps in your SwiftUI app and how to add annotations to the MapView as markers, pins or custom annotations.
AVKit How to create a media streaming app with SwiftUI and AWS Watch the session on How to create a media streaming app with SwiftUI and AWS from NSSpain 2021 Remote Edition.
AVKit Create with Swift at NSSpain 2021 This article will get you started with material created for our workshop on Creating a media streaming App with SwiftUI and AWS at NSSpain 2021.
HLS Using HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) for live and onâdemand audio and video This article introduces most relevant aspects of HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) and powerful toolchains provided by Apple for live and on-demand media.
AVKit Switching between HLS streams with AVKit With this tutorial you will be able to create a simple VideoPlayerViewModel that monitors the playback buffer of an AVPlayerItem and lowered resolution of the playback is likely to stall.
AVKit HLS Streaming with AVKit and SwiftUI By the end of this article, you will be able to understand the basic of HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) and how to use it with the VideoPlayer in SwiftUI