Changing a button shape in visionOS

Changing a button shape in visionOS

Learn how to change the shape of a button component in visionOS.

When running your application in visionOS buttons will have a specific style defined by the operating system. According to the needs of your user interface, you might need your buttons to have different shapes than the default ones.

To apply a new shape to a button use the modifier buttonBorderShape(_:) and the shape you define will be applied to the button's appearance.

Button(action: {
    // Button action here
}, label: {
    Label("Play First Episode", systemImage: "play.fill")

Applying the .buttonBorderShape(_:) modifier

The shapes are defined by the type ButtonBorderShape and the predefined ones you can use are:

Consider the following example where the buttons to select the color have the default shape: a capsule.

Examples running on Xcode 15 visionOS simulator
struct ContentView: View {
    @State var availableColors: [Color] = [
        .red, .orange, .yellow, .green,
        .blue, .indigo, .purple
    @State var chosenColor: Color = .clear
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text("Chose your favorite color")
            HStack(spacing: 24) {
                ForEach(availableColors, id: \.self) { color in
                    Button(action: {
                        withAnimation { chosenColor = color }
                    }, label: {
            Text("Your chosen color is:")
            RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 15)

At the moment the button is using the system's default shape for buttons.

Button(action: { ... }, label: { ... })

Applying the buttonBorderShape(_:) modifier to the Button view we can define a new shape for the buttons, making it look a bit more like color swatches, for example.

Button(action: { ... }, label: { ... })
.buttonBorderShape(.roundedRectangle(radius: 10))

To create your button styles, Paul Hudson has a nice short guide for you:

Customizing Button with ButtonStyle - a free SwiftUI by Example tutorial
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