Converting between image formats
Discover how to convert between CIImage, CGImage, and UIImage and use them within an Image view.
When working with images in your app development projects, you may have to convert between different types to use the image for the intended purposes.
A common use case for example can be switching between using the UIImage
class, commonly used in UIKit to assign images to a UIImageView
and the Image
view used to present pictures in a SwiftUI app.
There are many other cases, for example when working with CIImage
for using Core Image filters, CGImage
for bitmap images or image masks, or even NSImage
to manipulate image data.
Let’s see how to get from one format to the other. This quick overview should cover all the basics.
Presenting a UIImage
with the Image
You can use one of the initializers of the Image view to present an UIImage
in SwiftUI.
struct ContentView: View {
let image = UIImage(named: "image-example")!
var body: some View {
Image(uiImage: image)
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
From UIImage
to CIImage
You can use one of the CIImage
initializers to create it with an UIImage
var uiImage = UIImage(named: "image")
var ciImage = CIImage(image: uiImage)
From CIImage
to CGImage
You can convert a CIImage
object to CGImage
with a simple conversion function, like this:
func convertCIImageToCGImage(input: CIImage) -> CGImage! {
let context = CIContext(options: nil)
return context.createCGImage(input, from: input.extent)
is a bitmap image or image mask in the Core Graphics framework. It is a framework based on Quartz drawing engine and provides lightweight rendering.
The following example shows how you can use it in the context of a SwiftUI app:
struct ContentView: View {
var ciImage: CIImage? {
let image = UIImage(named: "image-example")!
return CIImage(image: image)
func convertCIImageToCGImage(input: CIImage) -> CGImage! {
let context = CIContext(options: nil)
return context.createCGImage(input, from: input.extent)
var body: some View {
convertCIImageToCGImage(input: ciImage!),
scale: 1.0,
label: Text("Image sample")
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
From CGImage
to CIImage
If you are working with a CGImage
object and need to convert it into a CIImage
object it is even simpler. You just need to initialize a new CIImage
object with the CGImage
func convertCGImageToCIImage(input: CGImage) -> CIImage! {
var ciImage = CIImage(cgImage: input)
return ciImage
It is worth noting that a CIImage
object has a property providing a CGImage
representation of itself:
var cgImage: CGImage? {
let image = UIImage(named: "image-example")!
let ciImage = CIImage(image: image)
return ciImage?.cgImage
From UIImage
to CGImage
Converting an UIImage object to CGImage is a bit more tricky and can be done in two steps.
The simplest way to do it is first to convert the UIImage
to a CIImage
and then convert the CIImage
to a CGImage
A simple function could look like this:
func convertUIImageToCGImage(input: UIImage) -> CGImage! {
guard var ciImage = CIImage(image: input) else {
return nil
let context = CIContext(options: nil)
return context.createCGImage(ciImage, from: ciImage.extent)
From CIImage
or CGImage
to UIImage
To conveniently convert either a CIImage
or a CGImage
to UIImage
, you can use the provided initializers from UIImage
var uiImageFromCGImage = UIImage(CGImage: cgImage)
var uiImageFromCIImage = UIImage(CIImage: ciImage)
Bonus Round: From NSImage
in AppKit to UIImage
in UIKit
AppKit works with NSImage
as a representation of an image, yet you might find yourself converting between formats supported by UIKit
, for example when building cross-platform apps that make use of AppKit and UIKit and not just SwiftUI.
You can use the following function to convert a UIImage
object into an NSImage
static func convertUIImagetoNSImage(input: UIImage) -> NSImage {
let ciImage = CIImage(image: input)
let rep = NSCIImageRep(ciImage: ciImage)
let nsImage = NSImage(size: rep.size)
nsImage.addRepresentation (rep)
return nsimage
And the following one to convert an NSImage
object to an UIImage
func convertNSImageToUIImage(input: NSImage) -> UIImage? {
guard let data = input.tiffRepresentation,
let bitmap = NSBitmapImageRep(data: data) else {
return nil
let ciImage = CIImage(bitmapImageRep: bitmap)
let uiImage = UIImage(CIImage: ciImage)
return uiImage
Take into consideration that you can also work with extensions. Extending NSImage
you can add additional functionality from UIImage
to it! If you want to explore that route, check this short snippet by John Sundell about making UIImage
macOS compatible.