Exporting SwiftUI views to images with ImageRenderer

Exporting SwiftUI views to images with ImageRenderer

Learn how to export SwiftUIViews to images with the ImageRenderer.

There are certain situations where you may need to export a portion of your user interfaces as an image or document. For example, if your app has a reward system, you may want to share the reward on another platform. Or if your app displays data on charts, you may want to share this data in a PDF document. With the help of the ImageRenderer object, you can easily create images from SwiftUI views.

This reference we will explain how the ImageRenderer works and how to use it to export a SwiftUI view.

Render to an Image

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {

    @State var selectedColor : Color = .black
    @State private var image: UIImage?
    @State var isExpanded: Bool = false

    var body: some View {
        VStack {

            visionRender(color: selectedColor)


            ColorPicker("**Select Color**", selection: $selectedColor)

                let renderer = ImageRenderer(content: visionRender(color: selectedColor))
                renderer.scale = UIScreen.main.scale
                image = renderer.uiImage
        .sheet(isPresented: $isExpanded){
                if let imageToShare = image {
                    Image(uiImage: imageToShare)
                    ShareLink(item: Image(uiImage: imageToShare), preview: SharePreview("Share", image: Image(uiImage: imageToShare)))

func visionRender(color: Color) -> some View {
    Image(systemName: "visionpro")
        .font(.system(size: 108))
                colors: [color, .black])

In the provided code, the ContentView enables users to select a color using a ColorPicker and generate an image of a dynamically rendered Vision Pro icon based on the chosen color.

A screenshot of an iPhone app with a black shape of the Vision Pro. Below the shape, there is text reading “Select Color” next to a Color Picker. At the bottom of the screen, there is a blue button labeled “Export”.

The state variables within ContentView include:

  • selectedColor: This variable stores the color chosen by the user via the ColorPicker.
  • image: It holds the exported image generated based on the selected color.
  • isExpanded: This variable controls the presentation of a sheet within the interface.

The visionRender function dynamically constructs a SwiftUI view applying the selected color and some visual effect to an SF symbol.

When the user taps on the Button, the export process begins:

  1. A new instance of ImageRenderer is created, passing the visionRender function as content.
  2. The render scale is set considering the device scale factor to increase the quality of the exported image.
  3. The image state is updated with the rendered image.
  4. The isExpanded state variable is toggled to display the exported image within a modal sheet.
A screenshot of an iPhone app with the black shape of the Vision Pro rendered. Below the shape, there is a button labeled “Share…”.
The sheet with the Vision Pro render

The sheet contains the exported image along with a ShareLink button, allowing users to easily share the image with others.

A screenshot of the share sheet with the exported image and the different options to share such as AirDrop, Messages, Mail, Notes, etc.
The Share sheet

It is important to notice that not all the views will be rendered by the ImageRenderer. An example are WebViews and also MapViews.

According to the Developer Documentation:

It does not render views provided by native platform frameworks (AppKit and UIKit) such as web views, media players, and some controls. For these views, ImageRenderer displays a placeholder image.
A yellow background with a red circle with a diagonal line through it in the center
Placeholder image rendered from a Map