Create with Swift Napoli Meetup
The greatest Apple Developer meetup in Naples
Next event: Beer with Swift, March 19th 2025
Details about the next Create with Swift Napoli Meetup and the exact location will be disclosed soon. Subscribe to the meetup newsletter to get all the information about the meetup directly in your inbox.
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The foundation of every community lies in a gathering place where members can connect, communicate, share ideas, and collaborate. Join us at the Create with Swift Discord Server and connect with the Apple Developer community of Naples!
Call for Speakers
Are you passionate about app development and Swift? Do you want to inspire a community of developers and creatives? We’re excited to invite you to share your knowledge and experiences at the Create With Swift - Napoli Meetup!
Come and share with the Apple Developer community of Naples and region part of your experience working with iOS development. Come and share:
- Your experience in iOS development, Swift, or app design.
- Insights, tools, and tips that help fellow developers improve their skills and make their lives easier.
- Compelling stories about building apps, working with new Swift technologies, or contributing to the iOS developer ecosystem.
We are looking for:
- Technical Talks: 18-30 minute sessions. They should cover topics about the Swift language, app development with SwiftUI and UIKit, iOS Development in general, Apple Frameworks, tools and processes.
- Design Talks: 18-30 minute sessions. They should cover app design topics for Apple platforms, App Icon and Interface Icon design, design challenges and how you overcame them, and tools and processes connected with the development for Apple platforms.
- Short Talks: 5-10 minutes sessions. They can cover any topics related to app development for Apple platforms, soft skills, and sharing a professional experience
We encourage a diversity of speakers and welcome submissions from both experienced and first-time speakers. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at
Previous Meetups
Create with Swift Napoli Meetup - February 2024
On a rainy night in February, app developers met at the city center of Naples, Italy, to share their most recent achievements and learnings. They pitched their latest projects and we had a great time together!

Beer with Swift - January 2025
Starting the year in style, our biggest meeting to date. Beer with Swift gathered over 80 Apple developers at the city center of Naples, Italy.

Beer with Swift - December 2024
Based on the feedback from our first meetup we started our monthly gatherings, Beer with Swift. Developers from the community wanted regular meetings and multiple opportunities to connect throughout the year.
Based on initiatives around the world, Beer with Swift is lightweight and focused on strengthening the social fabric of the community of Apple developers of Naples.

Create with Swift Napoli Meetup - September 2024
On September 13th, 2024, app developers and app designers of Naples and region met for the first time to take the first step in creating a strong community of Apple Developers in the region.