Vision Detecting documents in an image with the Vision framework Learn how to use the Vision framework to detect documents in images.
Vision Generating person segmentation with the Vision Framework Learn how to use the Vision framework to detect people on images and segment them out with a mask.
Vision Detecting hand pose with the Vision framework Learn how to use the camera to detect hand pose within a SwiftUI app.
Machine Learning Using server-side Swift for machine learning processing In this tutorial learn how to use a machine learning model in a Vapor server using Swift.
SwiftUI Creating a SwiftUI App to generate Text Completions with GPT-3.5 through the OpenAI API Understand how to use the OpenAI Swift Package to connect with the OpenAI API to generate text completions within your SwiftUI app.
SwiftUI Creating a SwiftUI App to generate images with Dall-E through the OpenAI API Understand how to use the OpenAI Swift Package to connect with the OpenAI API to generate images within your SwiftUI app.
Machine Learning Generating Images with Stable Diffusion on Apple Silicon with Core ML Understand how to use Apple's Core ML Stable Diffusion Package to generate images with Stable Diffusion on Apple Silicon using Swift.
SwiftUI Creating a SwiftUI App to interact with the OpenAI ChatGPT API Understand how to use the OpenAISwift Package to easily connect with the OpenAI API to create your own ChaptGPT SwiftUI app.
SwiftUI Prototyping SwiftUI interfaces with OpenAI's ChatGPT Understand how to use OpenAI's ChatGPT conversational machine learning model to create working code for SwitfUI apps within a few minutes.
Natural Language Identifying the Language in a Text using the Natural Language Framework By the end of this article, you will be able to identify the dominant language in a piece of text using the Natural Language framework.
Machine Learning Create with Swift at Swift Heroes 2021 This article will get you started with machine learning on Apple platforms with the material created for our workshop on Core ML at Swift Heroes Digital 2021.
Machine Learning Using an Object Detection Machine Learning Model in an iOS App By the of of this tutorial you will be able to use an object detection Core ML model in an iOS App with the Vision framework
Machine Learning Using an Image Classification Machine Learning Model in an iOS App with SwiftUI By the of of this tutorial you will be able to use an image classification Core ML model in an iOS App with SwiftUI
Machine Learning Using an Image Classification Machine Learning Model in Swift Playgrounds By the end of this tutorial you will be able to use an image classification Core ML model in Swift Playgrounds.
Machine Learning Using an Object Detection Machine Learning Model in Swift Playgrounds By the end of this tutorial you will be able to use an object detection Core ML model in Swift Playgrounds with the Vision framework.
Machine Learning Creating an Object Detection Machine Learning Model with Create ML By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to build and train an object detection machine learning model with Create ML
Machine Learning UIImage+CVPixelBuffer: Converting an UIImage to a Core Video Pixel Buffer With this UIImage extension you will be able to convert an UIImage to a CVPixelBuffer. The Core Video pixel buffer is an image buffer that holds pixels in main memory.
Machine Learning Create ML Explained: Apple's Toolchain to Build and Train Machine Learning Models This articles will help you to understand the main features of Create ML and how you can create your own custom machine learning models.
Machine Learning Core ML Explained: Apple's Machine Learning Framework This articles will help you to assess and judge the main features of More ML and how you can leverage machine learning in your apps.