Weekly Newsletter Issue 22

Weekly Newsletter Issue 22

Weekly newsletter summing up our publications and showcasing app developers and their amazing creations.

Welcome to this week's edition of our newsletter.

SwiftLee has invited Jordi Bruin to share his perspective on why macOS development is ideal for indie developers. Jordi emphasizes the ease of creating useful macOS utilities and the unique opportunities provided by the platform features.

Whether you are a seasoned indie developer or just starting your indie developer journey, this is a must-read to get inspired!

Why macOS Development is Perfect for Indie Developers
Learn from the experiences of a successful macOS app developer and gain the confidence to dive into creating your own Mac applications.
Follow us also on Twitter and LinkedIn if you haven't already!

Published this week

This week we have covered RealityKit, SwiftUI and Widgets.

Creating custom particle emitters with RealityKit

Matteo and Tiago provide a step-by-step guide on how to create custom particle emitters in a SwiftUI app using RealityKit for visionOS.

Creating custom particle emitters with RealityKit
Learn how to create a custom particle emitter with RealityKit in a SwiftUI app for visionOS.

Exporting SwiftUI views to images with ImageRenderer

Matteo and Pasquale explain how to use the ImageRenderer to export SwiftUI views as images.

Exporting SwiftUI views to images with ImageRender
Learn how to export SwiftUIViews to images with the ImageRenderer.

Linking a widget to a specific view in SwiftUI

Matteo and Pasquale show how to implement a deep link to open a specific view in your app when a widget is tapped.

Linking a widget to a specific view in SwiftUI
Learn how to open a specific view in your app when the widget is tapped.

From the community

Here are our highlights of articles and resources created by the app developer community.

Blend Modes in SwiftUI

Aryaman explores the different blend modes available in SwiftUI, showing visual examples, explaining their purposes, and demonstrating how to implement them in SwiftUI.

Blend Modes in SwiftUI
Learn what blend modes are, why they’re essential in digital design, and how to implement them in SwiftUI for stunning visual effects.

Mastering ScrollView in SwiftUI. Scroll Visibility

Another article from the series "Mastering ScrollView in SwiftUI" by Majid. This time he shows how to use the new onScrollTargetVisibilityChange and onScrollVisibilityChange view modifiers.

Mastering ScrollView in SwiftUI. Scroll Visibility
Another great addition to our scrolling APIs this year is the scroll visibility. Nowadays, you can fetch the list of visible identifiers or quickly check and monitor the view visibility inside a scroll view. This week, we will learn how to use the new onScrollTargetVisibilityChange and onScrollVisibilityChange view modifiers.

List or LazyVStack: Choosing the Right Lazy Container in SwiftUI

Fatbobman explores the differences between List and LazyVStack in SwiftUI, the underlying implementations, styling options and performance characteristics to help developers choose the right component according to their specific needs.

List or LazyVStack - Choosing the Right Lazy Container in SwiftUI | Fatbobman’s Blog
An analysis of List and LazyVStack in SwiftUI to guide developers in choosing the right component

A Summary Of How To Pass Data To SwiftUI Environment

Gabriel summarizes the various ways to inject custom data into the SwiftUI environment to access it in the view hierarchy.

A Summary Of How To Pass Data To SwiftUI Environment – SerialCoder.dev
Go through a summary of all possible ways to inject custom data to SwiftUI environment and access it from any view in the view hierarchy.

Indie App of the Week


Instead of sending multiple notifications to remind you recurring tasks, Florian, the developer of Mindr decided to take a different approach, a widget that gives you the information about the due time and overdue time at a glance drawing inspiration from the system battery widget.

The app and its widgets have a simple and effective design, aiming to provide a consistent and native user experience with the system. It is worth finding out how the developer has also brought this concept to visionOS.

‎Reminder Widget by Mindr
‎Introducing Mindr, the innovative reminder app that takes a fresh approach to keeping you on track without the hassle of constant notifications. Mindr utilizes a subtle widget on your home screen to discreetly show the time remaining until your tasks are due and how long they’ve been overdue. Say go…

Have you ever developed for macOS? If you haven't, give it a try and let us know!

We can’t wait to see what you will Create with Swift.

See you next week!

Follow us also on Twitter and LinkedIn if you haven't already!